Merlin House

Situated just off Sydney Road in a residential area of Crewe the service benefits from being part of the community and is close to all amenities including shops, public transport, and leisure facilities. It is also only 1 mile from the town centre.

Merlin House is a purpose-built care home, which is nurse-led, which has been sensitively designed so that it fits in with its surroundings and the environment promotes independent living whilst protecting dignity and privacy.

The service offers a high standard of care and support for people who have a Learning Disability, who may be autistic and may have additional physical or mental health needs. The service will also support people who may communicate through behaviours of concern.

The home provides 6 large ensuite bedrooms, a fully accessible bathroom, three lounge/dining areas, a laundry, a kitchen, and a large secure garden. These are all at ground floor level with staff facilities on the first floor.

Rear-3 Falcon House

Service User Profile

Merlin House will support people with a Learning Disability who have complex support needs. Therefore, we can meet the needs of people aged 18 years and over, with a Learning Disability who may also have needs associated with:

  • Neurodiversity including autistic spectrum disorder and attention deficit disorder
  • Physical disability
  • Sensory Impairment
  • Using behaviours of concern to communicate need
  • History of offending behaviour

Our Team

We have an experienced and dedicated team who work in partnership with statutory services to meet the needs of the people we support, whilst promoting positive and measurable outcomes. Team Members include:

  • Registered Manager
  • Clinical Nurse Leads x 2
  • Support Workers
  • P/T Maintenance Operative
  • Administrator
  • Housekeeping

Service Overview

The service has been designed so that it is spacious and allows people to socialise when they want to but to also have their own space and privacy;

Ground Floor: consists of 6 en-suite bedrooms, three communal living areas, an accessible bathroom, kitchen, laundry, large secure garden and a small staff base;

First Floor: large training/meeting room, offices, staff welfare facilities and plant room.

Aims and Objectives

Our aims and objectives are to improve the quality of life for people with learning disabilities and complex needs by:

  • Actively involving people in the care and support they receive, and how it will be delivered and reviewed;
  • Maximising choice and control for everyone;
  • Reducing any restrictions people may need but also keeping them safe;
  • Supporting and enabling people to be as independent as possible by supporting goals and aspirations that are meaningful to them;
  • Supporting people to try new experiences and promoting existing interests;
  • Encouraging community participation and citizenship;
  • Widening peoples’ circles of support and social networks;
  • Optimising health and wellbeing;
  • Treating people with dignity, respect and understanding; and
  • Supporting people to live independent lives free from bullying, fear and harassment.

Merlin House aims to provide a care pathway for people supporting person centred outcomes that will enable individuals to live as independently as possible in the community.

Merlin House is a part of the care pathway for people who are stepping down from hospital care, whose community placement is breaking down or they are returning to their local community. The service will reduce the number of people in hospital or prevent admissions into hospital.

Meet the Team


Aziz Jethwa

Registered Manager - Merlin House

Aziz is a Registered Learning Disability Nurse, graduating from the University of Cumbria, with extensive experience in the health and social care sector.

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Health Resources

All Service Users will have access to local GP services, Dentists and NHS learning disability resources.

Community Resources Within a 15 Minute Walk


  • Tesco Express and the Co-op
  • Rising Brook Community Church and Stafford Methodist Church
  • Rising Brook Surgery
  • The Royal Oak Pub
  • Thirlmere Way Community Centre
  • Rising Brook Community Fire Station
  • Barnes Road Play Area
  • Fuse Active Gym
  • Café Paps